This is a "get you up and running quickly" helper function as it only runs a standalone mode Drill instance and is optionally removed after the container is stopped. You should customize your own Drill containers based on the one at Drill's Docker Hub.

  image = "drill/apache-drill:1.16.0",
  container_name = "drill",
  data_dir = getwd(),
  remove = TRUE




Drill image to use. Must be a valid image from Drill's Docker Hub. Defaults to most recent Drill docker image.


naem for the container. Defaults to "drill".


valid path to a place where your data is stored; defaults to the value of getwd(). This will be path.expand()ed and mapped to /data in the container. This will be mapped to the dfs storage plugin as the dfs.d workspace.


remove the Drill container instance after it's stopped? Defaults to TRUE since you shouldn't be relying on this in production.


the id of the Drill container


a stevedore docker object (invisibly) which you are responsible for killing with the $stop() function or from the Docker command line (in interactive mode the docker container ID is printed as well).


The path specified in data_dir will be mapped inside the container as /data and a new dfs storage workspace will created (dfs.d) that maps to /data and is writable.

Use drill_down() to stop a running Drill container by container id (full or partial).


this requires a working Docker setup on your system and it is highly suggested you docker pull it yourself before running this function.

See also

Other Drill Docker functions: killall_drill(), showall_drill()


if (FALSE) {
drill_up(data_dir = "~/Data")