Provide a preview image and a widget, plus Twitter Player card metadata and get pack a packaged up, ready-to-deploy archive to deploy and used on Twitter.

card_widget(widget, output_dir = ulid::ulid_generate(),
  name_prefix = "wdgtcrd", preview_img,
  html_title = class(widget)[[1]], card_twitter_handle = "",
  card_title = html_title[[1]], card_description = "",
  card_image_url_prefix = "", card_player_url_prefix = "",
  card_player_width = 480, card_player_height = 480,
  background = "white", bundle_type = c("tgz", "zip"))



an htmlwidget


the path to save the card-able widget to. If the directory does not exist it will be created for you (recursively). The value will be path.expand()ed.


the name-prefix for the widget's .html file and preview_img file.


the path to the local preview image for the card-able widget. This file must exist and will be copied over to the deployable directory and renamed (see name_prefix above). Follow the guidelines here regarding image sizes.


the title for the htmlwidget HTML file's <title> tag.


Your twitter handle including the @.

card_title, card_description

The title and description that will be displayed in the tweet


Prefix URL for where you will be copying the preview image to. Generally, this wil be the same as card_player_url_prefix but you can specify another URL prefix if storing images on a separate server or separate directory.


Prefix URL for where you will be copying the htmlwidget HTML and supporting javascript libraries to. Generally, this wil be the same as card_image_url_prefix but you can specify another URL prefix if storing images on a separate server or separate directory.

card_player_width, card_player_height

the width and height for the player window in-tweet. These default to 480x480 and you should review the References section for links to guidelines for Twitter preferred image sizes.


htmlwidget background coloe. Defaults to white. Can be a hashed-prefixed hex value (if so, will be converted to rgba() spec)


either tgz for a gzip'd/tar archive or zip for a ZIP archive. The directory named name_prefix will be placed into the archive.


the path.expand()ed path to the bundle_type. The archive name will be name_prefix plus the bundle_type extension.


You can use Twitter's Validator to ensure your creation is usable before trying it in a tweet.


You can and should use Twitter's Validator to ensure your creation is usable before trying it in a tweet.
